
Is Moving Stressful For The Kids 

Moving is often much harder on kids than adults. For one thing, kids have no choice in the matter and may feel powerless in the face of such a big change in life.

If they’ve never moved before, kids are likely to have additional worries about how they will adapt to a new school, leaving their friends behind. There are a few ways to make the process easier for kids:

Involve them in the process

Whatever your kids’ ages,they can be involved in the move in some way. For instance, kids can help you pack their belongings into boxes. This is especially useful for very young children who may need reassurance that their favorite toys are coming withthem. Older kids can learn the importance of getting rid of stuff they no longer use — you can even make this enjoyable by allowing your kids to help you with a garage sale.

If possible, take your kids to visit their new home, neighborhood, and school. Inspire enthusiasm about the move by planning together how you will decorate the house — look at paint charts for walls and start talking about how you will arrange furniture.

Keep lines of communication open by encouraging your kids to ask any questions they may have and by listening to their worries. Try to be patient and reassure your children — even though you may be excited, they may not share your feelings.

Bear in mind that some kids may prefer to talk to a parent one-on-one, whereas others may appreciate the chance for a discussion with the whole family. Should the latter be the case, hold family meetings both to talk about feelings and to spend time together, perhaps by combining the event with a meal or games night.


Look up sports and activities

If your children are active in any organized activities search out similar programs in your new area. You can look up different websites with your kids and choose the programs they want to sign up for together. This will help them get excited about their new home and give them the opportunity to meet new friends after you arrive.


Stay in touch with friends during your move

It is important that your kids know from the start that moving by no means signifies leaving friends behind. Give your kids the chance to say goodbye to all their friends, through a goodbye party or several small gatherings for different friendship groups. If possible, invite old friends to visit your new home. If this is unfeasible, help kids stay in touch over phone, email, and other means.

Another great way to help kids remember their friends and old home is through a scrapbook. Before you leave, gather photos, notes, and other mementos.

Include some treats

Reward your kids for their good behaviour during the difficult process of moving home. Treats can be simple, such as pizza and ice cream for dinner, or bigger, like a last visit to a special place. You may like to include the entire family and say goodbye to a different spot every week or you may prefer to spend time with each child individually.


Meet your neighbors before and after your move

Although it is always a good idea to introduce yourself to your neighbours, this is extra useful if you have kids. Find out if any other children of around the same ages are living nearby and encourage friendships to develop in a natural setting by inviting neighbours over for a housewarming. For shy children, include some structured activities.


How to Cope with Moving for Teens

Teenagers are likely to react to a move differently than younger kids (No kidding, huh?). They are much more likely to feel angry and frustrated.

It is essential you help your kids manage their feelings and adjust to the changes. These tips on how to cope with moving are aimed at teenagers in junior and senior high.


Encourage conversation during your move

Teenagers already have stressful lives, and moving home can lead to unhappiness, anxiety, or even depression. The good news is that these feelings are usually temporary — teens tend to feel better once they realize that most of their fears are unfounded. However, it is important to initiate a conversation with your teens, as they may be worried that you’re too busy or stressed yourself to talk. Make sure you acknowledge how they’re feeling, while still coaching them through the process.


Research the community together

Check out maps and research online all the best features of your new community from your kids’ perspectives. Find places your teens can become excited about, perhaps the chance to learn a new hobby they’ve always found interesting. Remember to look for information about your kids’ new schools, including clubs and teams they’ll be able to join.


Keep them busy

Fill every day leading up to the move with both productive tasks (such as helping with packing, the garage sale, and cleaning) and with fun activities. Accept that your teens may want to spend many hours online chatting with friends, but still try to ensure they spend plenty of time out of the house, saying goodbye to places and people in person.

Transporting your belongings to your new house is the most time consuming aspect of moving. When choosing a method, one of the considerations should be what method will be the easiest and least stressful for your family.

You can easily request a quote online or give us a quick call at +1 604-500-3003, and we’ll explain how using a Secure Moving Ltd. to move can help minimize your stress. We are A moving company in Vancouver thats why we are happy to help you!

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