Free Moving Boxes in Burnaby: Where to Find Them


Moving can be an expensive endeavour, especially when you consider the cost of packing materials. Fortunately, for those living in or moving to Burnaby, there are several options for finding free moving boxes, which can significantly reduce your moving expenses. This blog will guide you through various places in Burnaby where you can find free moving boxes and offer tips on how to choose the right ones for your move.

Retail Stores and Supermarkets

One of the best places to start looking for free moving boxes is at local retail stores and supermarkets. These businesses often have a surplus of boxes from shipments and are usually willing to give them away to anyone who asks. In Burnaby, you can check out places like grocery stores, bookstores, and liquor stores, which typically have sturdy boxes perfect for moving heavy items.

Online Marketplaces and Community Groups

Online platforms like Facebook Marketplace and community groups are excellent resources for finding free moving boxes. Residents of Burnaby often post listings offering free boxes after their own moves. It’s a great way to recycle and help out a neighbor in the process.

Moving Companies

Some moving companies in Burnaby offer free moving boxes as part of their services. Companies like Simple Moves & Storage provide free moving boxes to their clients, which can be a great way to save money if you’re already using their moving services.

Recycling Drop-Off Centers

Burnaby’s recycling centres are another place to find free moving boxes. People often drop off boxes that are still in good condition, and these centres are happy to let you take what you need. Just be sure to visit early in the day when the selection is best.

Friends and Family

Don’t forget to ask your friends and family if they have any boxes you can use. Someone is always moving, and they may have leftover boxes they’d be happy to give away.

Tips for Choosing the Right Boxes

When searching for free moving boxes, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Look for boxes that are clean and dry.
  • Ensure the boxes are sturdy and not damaged.
  • Choose boxes with intact flaps so they can be securely closed.
  • Consider the size of the boxes – you’ll need a variety for different items.


Finding free moving boxes in Burnaby is not only possible but also relatively easy if you know where to look. By utilising these resources, you can save money and reduce waste, making your move more environmentally friendly and budget-friendly. Remember to start collecting boxes early, so you have plenty of time to pack at your own pace.

For those planning a move in Burnaby, Secure Moving offers a range of moving services to help make your relocation as smooth as possible. Contact us for more information and let us assist you in your moving journey.

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